[Raindrop Highlights] My workflow integration of raindrop.io into Obsidian

:arrow_right: I am not a professional writer and english isn’t my mother tongue. Some of the screenshots may contain text in other languages
Please be nice :slight_smile:

I will describe two use cases

  • Using raindrop for litterature notes when studying a specific topic.
  • Creating a backlog for things to study, watch, read with raindrop.

Using raindrop for litterature notes when studying a specific topic.
(Example: “Chaos Theory”)

My raindrop notes are all stored in the folder “50 - Raindrop” with each collection as a seperate subfolder.

  1. Create an empty note called chaos theory
  2. Linter the note with the plugin Linter
  3. Insert template study material

###### 📋 Study Material

studytopic:: %{{TITLE}}% 

	"- % ==" + collection + "== " + link(file.name) + " [💬](" + sourceURL + ")" +  " *" + type + "*"
	"50 - Raindrop"
	contains(tags, this.studytopic)
	AND done = "no"

At this point the note chaos theory will look like this:

  1. Add one or multiple reading resources from the web to raindrop.io

Here I chose the collection (Sammlung) “Mathematics”. Note how i have formated the Tag. %Chaos Theory%. This corresponds exactly to the title of my note and is enclosed between two % signs. Also note, that in my template I had created the following inline variable:

studytopic:: %{{TITLE}}% 

which translates in my note to

studytopic:: %Chaos Theory% 

For the purpose of demonstration, I do annotate two passages in two different colors.

I then sync my raindrop notes with Obsidian, which will lead to this:

In the file explorer the note appeared under the folder Mathematics. The note Chaos Theory now contains an entry for the litterature note. It contains the collection, the link to the note, an icon that links to the webpage and an information tag about the nature of the note (here: article)

:information_source: (The little drop in front of the link is achieved with the “Supercharged Links” plugin to mark it as “comming from raindrop”)

  • The note at the right (imported by the Raindrop Highlights plugin contains the metadata and the two highlights from before, in the corresponding color.

To represent the same colors as the annotations in the webpage, I have created a CSS snippet. I have specified some callouts, that i never use elsewhere in my vault. You will find the same callouts later in the plugins Content Template.

.callout[data-callout="missing"] {
    --callout-color: 255, 0, 0;
    --callout-icon: none;

.callout[data-callout="danger"] {
    --callout-color: 0, 0, 255;
    --callout-icon: none;

.callout[data-callout="error"] {
    --callout-color: 0, 255, 0;
    --callout-icon: none;

.callout[data-callout="bug"] {
    --callout-color: 255, 255, 0;
    --callout-icon: none;
  • Once i have worked through my highlights, and integrated them into “Chaos Theory” I set the variable done to yes, so that the entry would disappear from my Study Material
  • The metadata colors are achieved with the plugin List Callouts

The Content Template that i have created in the “Raindrop Highlights” options:

# {{title}}

{% if cover %} ![cover|100]({{cover}}) {% endif %}

## Metadata

- ! type:: {{type}}
- ~ collection:: {{collection.title}}
{% if tags|length %}- & tags:: {{ tags | join(", ") }}{% endif %}
- $ done:: no 
{% if is_new_article %}
{% if link %}- @ sourceURL::  {{link}}{% endif %}

## Highlights

{% endif -%}{% for highlight in highlights %}
{% if highlight.color == "red" -%}
    {%- set callout = "missing" -%}
{%- elif highlight.color == "blue" -%}
    {%- set callout = "danger" -%}
{%- elif highlight.color == "green" -%}
    {%- set callout = "error" -%}
{%- else -%}
    {%- set callout = "bug" -%}
{%- endif -%}
> [!{{callout}}] Updated on {{highlight.lastUpdate}}
> {{highlight.text.split("\n") | join("\n>")}}
{% if highlight.note -%}> > {{highlight.note}}{%- endif %}

{%- endfor -%}

Creating a backlog for things to study, watch, read with raindrop

I do use tags toStudy, toRead, toWatch in my raindrop saves. Here I have created a backlog note listing those items:

It’s basically the same thing as before, except that i have queried by tags.
Of course you can combine tags like %Chaos Theory% and toRead so that individual litterature notes show both in the Chaos Theory note and also in the Backlog. That can also be useful. And the done = yes will also work here, naturally.

(The note at the right is not related. Only to show how i display my recent activity)

The code for the backlog:

## Raindrop Articles


``` dataview
	"- % ==" + collection + "== " + link(file.name) + " [💬](" + sourceURL + ")" +  " *" + type + "*"
	"50 - Raindrop"
	contains(tags, "toStudy")
	AND done = "no"


``` dataview
	"- % ==" + collection + "== " + link(file.name) + " [💬](" + sourceURL + ")" +  " *" + type + "*"
	"50 - Raindrop"
	contains(tags, "toRead")
	AND done = "no"


``` dataview
	"- % ==" + collection + "== " + link(file.name) + " [💬](" + sourceURL + ")" +  " *" + type + "*"
	"50 - Raindrop"
	contains(tags, "toWatch")
	AND done = "no"

And to finish, I also manage a tag toContinue that i put in main notes like Chaos Theory or in litterature notes, so that i can easily see where to take off the next time i open Obsidian. This part is at the top of my Backlog.


Hi :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing your workflow and templates ! Your backlog for “to study/watch/read” looks very nice ! I will probably integrate it with my Obsidian + Zotero workflow :slight_smile:

1 Like

I just bought raindrop as I have a lot of things in my bookmark that I want to pass as literature note to my vault.

Do you still use it system or you improve it in some way now?

I like the way that you combine the tags to create a to read list.

Yes, I use it very much. I have added a seperate section for videos.
They contain some extra data in the highlights which makes it easier for me to watch and annotate videos directly in Obsidian (with timestamps).

I also create seperate workspaces for different %%studytopics%%.
They have my main note at the left, and all highlight (raindrop) notes stagged at the right.

I am planning to put a button in the highlight notes to toggle the status (yes/no) and adding a progress bar in the frontmatter of the main note to track in dataview how much is left to study.

(what do you mean you ‘bought’ ? is there a pro version with extra features ?)

what do you mean you ‘bought’ ? is there a pro version with extra features ?)

He probably meant subscription.
BTW very cool guide - I’ll try to implement it in my workflow too!

Hi, I just started to study Obsidian and found the Raindrop app. I love the things you’re showing, but I can’t make it work.

  1. I Have no experience with the templates and %{{TITLE}}% doesn’t change and I honestly don’t know what your template looks like.
  2. When i sync with Raindrop, even i have a corresponding tag as in the example, it doesn’t work again.

I understand that my questions are basic, but can you please help with that? Maybe some video or files or email?

Thank you.