Quit remote sessions of Obsidian

Use case or problem

You start Obsidian on your work machine, forget to close it and start working on the same vault at home. This is problematic if your vault is stored on OneDrive, Dropbox or you are using obsidian sync. Lots of conflict files are created.

Proposed solution

Create a button called “Quit remote sessions”. One way to do this is to have Obsidian at home write a file called “KILL_REMOTE” with some ID in it (say IP address or WORK). Then the session at work realizes that the file is their and quits on the work machine.

Current workaround (optional)

Create a new vault or deal with the duplicates or don’t use obsidian at a second location. Not good.

Related feature requests (optional)


I don’t think this happens frequently. I never had this happen with dropbox or obsidian sync.

I am gonna move this to plugin idea because this seems way too narrow problem/solution.

It has happened to me and a friend of mine alot. I just have never complained about it. It would be great for it to be a plugin.