I have multiple windows open with multiple tabs in them. I would like to re-open the same arrangment in the future. I can’t find a way to tell Obsidian to close or quit. Everything points to “just close the window” but I have multiple windows.
Proposed solution
Just give me the ability to quit Obsidian. I’ll use the command palatte to close it when I need to preserve multiple windows like this.
Isn’t Ctrl/Cmd+Q what you need? On macOS, you can also use the “Quit Obsidian” command in the “Obsidian” menu. The Windows version should have something similar.
I first tried checking the command palatte, as I expected Ctrl+Q to be there as a default or at least be there but unbound. (It’s very easy to accidentally hit Ctrl+Q while trying to hit other combos near Q, so many apps disable it. The best apps use a heuristic and ignore it if it’s happening in quick succession to other inputs as no one quits in the middle of typing or otherwise interacting with an app. Or ignore it until you hit it two times in a row without short succession - because the first one may have been accidental, but you definitely meant it if you try again.)