I believe you can do what you want with QuickAdd.
You need a 2-step macro. The first step is a template command that looks something like.
I couldn’t get QuickAdd to do anything without having a template, so I created an empty template.
Note that the File name uses “{{Value:Forum Note Name}}”. You could call it just “Note Name”. You need to remember this name for step two.
I also said to let me “Choose folder when creating a new note”. This will allow you to pick where you want the file created.
The second step is a capture that looks something like (this is a screen capture from something similar I do):
My daily notes are in a folder called “SecondBrain/Journal/daily”. I further extend the folders with the name with the year and the month. Finally I use the normal YYYY-MM-DD format for my folder name.
Unless you’re sure the daily folder will be created before you do this, then you should have QuickAdd create the file if it doesn’t exist. You’ll need to tell it where the template is.
The capture portion will looks something like
- [[{{VALUE:Forum Note Name}}]]
This generates a list link to the file with the name created in the previous step.
I haven’t tried it all out, but I have similar pieces in my working vault so I’m fairly confident that it can be done.
Two caveats with QuickAdd. First, I notice that when I change the configuration of a QuickAdd command (e.g., change the template configuration, the capture configuration, add steps to a macro, etc.) that QuickAdd doesn’t always update it’s internal tables until I stop and start Obsidian. You’ll get bizarre error messages because it hasn’t recognized your changes yet. It’s a known bug which I think the plugin author has attempted to fix, but I’m not convinced it is fixed yet.
Second, be careful when you use VARIABLE names that you don’t introduce extra spaces. {{VARIABLE:Note Name}} and {{VARIABLE: Note Name}} are not the same (note the space after the colon in the second instance). This has tripped me up a couple of times.
I still like QuickAdd and I use it extensively in my vault. For 80% of file creation tasks, I think it simplifies a lot of stuff.
Good Luck