Nothing shows up under the console tab. FWIW this hard freeze also occurs if I try the same in the Help vault. Frustrating to not have the quick switcher.
In the second Quick Switcher opening, my mouse and keyboard are no longer registering clicks within Obsidian. Everything else in the system is responsive.
For the bug template - can you please link the template you are referring to? I didn’t see one stickied in the bugs forum.
There is an incompatibility with NZXT CAM, a system monitor that runs in the background. That app has a hotkey for an overlay of Ctrl-O; even when changing that hotkey to another set of keys the problem persists in Obsidian. If I quit NZXT CAM, or set the hotkey to null, then the Obsidian Quick Switcher works fine. This bug can be closed, as it appears to originate entirely from another app.