Just wanted to share some quick feature requests that I think would make the interface more intuitive/consistent:
- Allow users to cmd-click the sidebar buttons (graph view, today’s note, random note) for opening them in a new tab. This would make the interface consistent with the cmd-click functionality for the search sidebar.
- Add a filter search box to the plugins page in the settings menu, similar to the one available on the hotkeys and community themes pages.
- Consistency in “today’s note” vs. “daily notes.” The plugin page refers to this feature as “daily notes,” but the sidebar button says “Open today’s note.” When I was searching for the hotkey for this feature, it is listed as “Open today’s note” as well, even though I expected it to be “daily note.” Very minor, but consistent naming of “daily” or “today” would be less confusing to users.
Also +1 to the suggestion for URL scheme functionality!
Absolutely loving Obsidian so far—thank you all for your amazing work on this!