Quick Capture (mac/iOS) and Inbox Processing

Hmm, from that picture it looks like your archive path is not in quotes. It should look like:

let archivePath = '/00 Meta/02 Bins/Archive/';

Does that help? Do you get a similar error when you have the following?

let archivePath = null;

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Yes you’re exactly right. I updated the archive path to be wrapped in quotes and it now works. Thanks v much Maggie!

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Hi - Thanks for sharing this!! I tried following all the directions but whenever I trigger the macro, the advanced URI keeps pointing to vault in iCloud and I can’t figure out how to change this to the vault on my computer that I want to use - I did figure out how to modify the file path but not the location of the vault. Any ideas? Thank you!

This is the error message that flashes when I trigger the macro:

@uvie – what is your setting for “Optimize Mac Storage” in System Preferences > iCloud?

If that box is un-checked (as shown) then documents will be stored locally as well as in the cloud. Otherwise, if checked, iCloud will decide where the documents and folders are stored – locally or in the cloud. You can override that on a folder-by-folder basis from the contextual menu in Finder.

Hi! When you open up the iOS shortcut there is a text section that has the word “iCloud” in it (it’s the one right above the text that inputs the URL). You need to change that to the name of your vault.

This is great. Not sure I’m to this point yet—I still like the extra processing step from Drafts, which seems to result in a less-convenient but better, more intentionally written note, at least for me.

But I’d love to have a quick way to open a specific vault on MacOS, whether a keystroke or just a shortcut icon in my dock. Anyone have a way to pull that off?

Depends on the automation tools you use, but you can do that by opening an Obsidian URL:

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Thank you! I didn’t realize that it could work for entire vaults.

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Oh I think I was misreading the original post and also left out info in my question – I am trying to do this on my laptop with Keyboard Maestro on the Mac OS rather than on iOS right now (though I eventually want to do this on iOS as well).

Is there a way to do this without the iOS shortcut?

Hey all, I recently posted a video where I go into how to set up this quick capture workflow. You can check it out here.

Thanks, this was a great gem to uncover as I try and implement the weekly review stage of my Second Brain/PARA setup!

I noticed that the archive/move script was a little slow, taking several seconds to open up the dialog for selecting a folder, breaking my flow. I checked the code and noticed it built a set of folders recursively.

I simplified the code for my use case, removing the archive folder path, and using the file explorer’s built in move dialog (which is much faster) and a callback to advance.

The resulting gist is Obsidian: Archive current file and then open next file in folder (Templater script) · GitHub

I’m sure it could be improved further if I understood the execution, variable scope, and callback model better, but this is good enough for me!

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Thanks for this, very helpful! Will check it out.

I forgot to share Lumberjack here. It’s a plugin built to provide simple quick capture features, especially on mobile:

Click here to open the plugin directly in Obsidian!

Hello Ryan and once again thank you for a wonderful plugin!

I was wondering whether it is possible to share something to the log shortcut from the share sheet? Like if I share a Safari-page or a URL and it automatically gets added to the new line.

It is not, but Obsidian’s new-ish built-in Share Sheet functionality should work for this, shouldn’t it?

Yes absolutely - it does. But you can’t choose the formatting like you could if it had been through Shortcuts. But works fine for now! I stick with Lumberjack! :wink: thanks again.

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First: I really like your Shortcut!
But instead of creating a new Fleeting Note, i tried to print your fleeting note directly into my Daily Note. I got the constantly changing path (/Daily/YYYY/MM-MMMM/YYYY-MM-DD-dddd.md) in your shortcut while using the Date-Variable, but the Fleeting not is not outputed there, instead an error message appears „File already exists“. Unfortunately, I‘m not that good with „shortcuts“-App so i dont know if and what i can do to output the text in my daily Note aufter all.

Did you change the URL to make it append your content? Writing | Obsidian Advanced URI

Yes i did. The altered Shortcut „finds“ my existing daily note, but instead of Posting the Text in it the „File already exists“ - Error occurs

I just found this Shortcut and it works fine for me… so: „Case closed“ :slight_smile: Thank you!

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