What I’m trying to do
I’m quite a beginner in obsidian and try to implement a first vault to manage my projects, areas and their ressources.
I’m using QuickAdd, Templater and ModalForms (plus other but not relevant to my issue).
I try to create a quickadd Capture, link to a modal form and a template to create quickly meeting notes and link it to the correspondig project. So easily I can create note by fill in the modal form with the project, the name and attendees.
Things I have tried
I’ve created the capture like so :
Here is my form :
And here is my template :
When I call my quickadd it ask me the filename then open the modal (this part work perfectly fine) but I can succeed to access attendees nor project. And this is what I get :
I try a lot of things but nothing seems to works to get my 2 inputs and set them as property of my meeting note. Do you have any idea how I can achieve this ?