Query Tasks into Day Planner Timeboxes


I want to include specific tasks defined elsewhere in the vault under a Day Planner timebox. However, the Day Planner Timeline shows the tasks as separated boxes and doesn’t include them under the Day Planner heading of the daily note.


Use Tasks plugin to query tasks as subtasks under time section of the Day Planner heading

1. Setup Tasks plugin

Assign Global task filter. This is important in order to display both Day Planner and queried tasks correctly. In this example, I use #task.

2. Create tasks

  1. Assign each Day Planner timebox a tag e.g. #planner/session1.
  2. Anywhere inside the vault, create a task that includes the respective timebox tag.
- [ ] Task 1 from Tasks plugin #task #planner/session1 ⏳ 2024-01-16  

3. Query tasks

In the daily note under the Day Planner heading, add a query under a section that filters for the scheduled date and the respective tag.

- [ ] 13:00 - 15:30 Early afternoon
	not done
	scheduled on 2024-01-16
	tags include #planner/session1 

Change the query tag according to the assigned timebox.

The indents of the codeblock is essential, otherwise the queried tasks won’t be shown in the timebox.

4. Create the daily note template (optional)

Change the filtered date to a dynamic date in the template.


In Reading view


  1. Queried tasks aren’t indented in Live Preview.
  2. Queried tasks aren’t indented in Day Planner Timeline. They also cause the other Day Planner subtasks to become unindented.

I tried this and the tasks are showing under the heading, but DayPlanner is putting each task in every section. Any ideas?

I drag to create a todo list, but once I release my mouse, it just disappears. It doesn’t show in my timeline on the right. Any ideas?

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I am experiencing the same issue. Have you get this solved?