What I’m trying to do
I’m trying to create a query for the tag #dreams that excludes my Templates folder.
Things I have tried
I have tried removing the SORT, I’ve tried including the folder that I’d like to query from instead of excluding templates. It only works with the tag (#dreams) alone. I’ve tried making a query of just a folder (FROM “1. Rough Notes”). The only query that works is with a tag.
Anything in quotes doesn’t parse correctly. When I try something like this I get a similar error, with the ^ below the first quote mark:
TABLE file.cday AS “Creation Date”
FROM #dreams
SORT file.ctime
where as this works:
TABLE file.cday AS Creation
FROM #dreams
SORT file.ctime
Seems like a quote mark parsing error, right? If so, what do I do about it?
iPad defaults to curly quotes. Straight quotes are required to parse correctly.