^^^^^^ [not the usual writer of such long replies teehee enjoy didnt think id write so much]
This sums up greatly what I was about to bring up. Just put ur JD system inside child folders of your main vault. If you dont want the diff JDs indexed just remove them from the setting search features.
JD just seem to me like an another approach to zettlekasten but ish grouped up.
@johnnydecimal . Honestly regarding computer file structure. Depends how u utilize obsidian . if u are using same file structure as on computer why not keep it all in one place. id say less lookup more actually work is better. Since the more locations u have to look at the more time it takes to actually accomplish task.
When using obsidian u can have ur own internal wiki links utilizing [[link-to-.;)]]
. Which makes it great to find main branches of work to do (if that makes sense to you. a.k.a : dashboards). On top id say obsidian has a better searching capabilities than native file explorers. When I find folder I want to open inside native folder explorer I have a hotkey to bring me to that folder using obsidian hotkeys (my current workaround for obsidan limited file explorer feature). Save so much time with how many intern folder i have to go into to locate certain info. Its true obsidian currently doesnt have much file explorer capabilities (for other file types) but wouldnt be suprise seeing plugins in the future honestly.
In a sense, utilize .md file as a README inside each specific folder. U kind of already doing it with this system ish i believe.
U can use multiple vault at the same time but like what would be the point if they are all located into that one vault? Actually seems like ur referring to having tabs/windows. Obsidian operate like chrome browser when it comes to it so yes u can open up multiple windows at once
After doing quick research on JD system. Idk how i feel about it. Having to number all the child folder with same numbering isnt that waste of time ( what happens when whole folder structure needs rework . u need to go inside whole file structure. actually nvm i see how u do it just remove it and dont change numbering for other section fair but still [my O.C.D hehe]. And lastly couldnt categorizes down the line become areas? [which seem like u kind of address it with one of ur latest video with how the numbering system restarts
Okay ur the creator of this system was not aware gotcha. Was watching ur video explaining system id. So basically JD is only applicable for higher category folder structure since u start using just the id the more child folder we get into actually nvm but they restart. So dont at the id level how u able to easily know the main area its in if we lose id / a new decimal system restarts? (Thought it was the whole point of this system.) . u group ideas so vague ex: u have a folder for travel, events , entertainment . damn thats a lot of entries over a life time in one folder ull have the same problem but instead of horizontal scroll it will be vertical . and then inside this category u place china but what happens if u have something related to china but doesnt fit in travel? Honestly i think ur system still needs work but that like anything i dont think there is a system that work its just a continuous evolution of your knowledge so the more the system is maluable the better
My bad it ended in a rant just couldnt see much benefits but to each their own. i never mind other peoples thoughts/ideas best part of life honestly.
And of course . take this with a grain of salt
Just trying to push u a little.
Before sending this since there is a lot hehe you’re welcome. Id say sir your problem isnt a folder structure but a linking issue. Since with links you can use multiple place to link back to somewhere and u can leave the file structure alone and allow the linking to do the heavy lifting. And to be fair im not much better im still learning in many ways but wanted to bring to your attention what came up when looking at this.