Putting all one color Highlights in one new note

Hello everybody,

I´m new to obsidian and just starting my workflow. I use Obsidian mostly for literature notes and one thing that I´m missing is the possibility to automatically bring all highlights of one color to a Note (which only includes those highlights at the end)
For example: I highlight all research gaps in one color and want them all collected in one new note (with a link so i can find where the highlight came from) so I can easily find all identified research gaps through my hole literature.

Does anyone know how I can do that? :slight_smile:

Can you show an example or two (in a fenced code block using three backticks) of how you are highlighting things in your notes?

Knowing that may give folks an idea of what direction to point you in.

Thank for the notice.

I use the Highlightr Plugin and my marks look like this:

<mark style="background: #FFF3A3A6;">example</mark>

I hope that helps.

My preferred way to higlight using Dataview is shown in the thread below:

The idea is simply to do stuff like [question:: My question on highlighting], and then use CSS to style it like you want, and queries to list them from other places.