I’m a little unsure, but I tend not wanting any html-tags, as that does convolute stuff…
It took me way to long to get it to work, before I realised that I could get the dv.view()
to use moment()
directly, which is what Templater uses. Argghh… Oh well, I’ve not got a working(?) example for you.
Image from the live-preview with todays note as the test note. And here are the requirements for this to work.
In your template for the daily note you add the following (as text):
Javascript file
In your vault, you create a folder _js
, and create the file journalHeader.js
with the following content:
// Get the file date from the file title
// and use moment to verify it is according to format
const mFormat = "YYMMDD - ddd D MMM, YYYY"
const fileDate = moment(dv.current().file.name, mFormat)
if ( !fileDate.isValid ) {
return "Not a valid date " - dv.current().file.name
} else {
const yesterday = moment(fileDate).add(-1, 'days', -1).format(mFormat)
const tomorrow = moment(fileDate).add(1, 'days').format(mFormat)
dv.container.className += " journalHeader"
return `<---- [[ ${ yesterday } | Yesterday ]] --- | --- [[ ${ tomorrow } | Tomorrow ]] ---->`
Note that this file must be named javascript.js
, so it needs to be created with a text editor outside of Obsidian.
The accompanying CSS is rather simple:
.journalHeader {
text-align: center;
Store this in a snippet of yours, and be sure to enable it afterwards.
And there you have it, a header which you can change whenever you want, and which is easy to format using CSS, and works in both live-preview and reading mode.
One change just for the fun of it, is to change the last line to:
return `⟵ [[ ${ yesterday } | Yesterday ]] — | — [[ ${ tomorrow } | Tomorrow ]] ⟶`
If you want some fancier line/arrows, and your font supports it…