Prompt for filename after dragging an image into a note

Retitled the topic for clarity. Thanks for the suggestion!


Is it a possible way to automatically rename the images as “$filename-n.png”? The prefix “$filename” is the name of the markdown file which the images are dragged into. And “n” is just the count.


Yeah, that seems like a good idea.

When I’m editing a note I want an option to auto rename images I drop into the note by taking the note name and adding a unique identifier.


YES. every time i paste an image I have to deal with renaming ![[Pasted Image.png]] would greatly appreciate this


(Feature Request)

Please provide options to choose our own naming scheme for pasted image, in addition to existing Timestamp (v0.8.15).

Option A “Note title + Seq_num”

<current note title + seq_num>
( without prefix “pasted image” please )

If images get pasted into a note titled “my note”, they are named
my note 01.png
my note 02.jpg
my note 03.jpeg
… etc

Use case

  • I find it to be the most natural and clean, as the pasted images named using current note title are easily “find”-able & sort-able, thus moveable (if needed) together with their associated notes in OS file managers or Obsi file explorer
  • Although associated notes’ titles are subjected to changes, naming with this option is still closest possible.
  • Timestamp is rather cryptic for the use case. The use of double digit Sequence number suffice.

Option B “Note title + Date-time”

( without prefix “pasted image” please )

Is fool-proof and provides highest level of uniquesness of filename and yet still serves the same use case well.

Background/Related requests
Time stamps as attachment filenames
Request: naming options in addition to Timestamp



I second this feature request. In particular, when I paste an image, it automatically creates a link and name for it (e.g. “![[Pasted Image 2394820934.png]]”). However, image names with spaces are not supported by regular markdown in other applications, neither this type of wikilinks.

I normally create my presentations in Deckset, and the image link that is standardly supported is, for example, ![](folder_name/image_name.png).

Please allow custom image filenames and links so the files can easily be compatible with other markdown applications.

Basically, I want that when I paste an image, the link and name that is created looks something like ![](custom_folder/image-209348209348.png).

Thanks in advance,


I second this request. I would also be open to this feature as a plugin

Agree. I’m using 1writer as an substitute for Obsidian on my ipad pro. Space is not well recognized. It would be helpful if I can set the auto-naming format.

This request would be greatly appreciated, as I use a simple system to save my screenshots and I would like to have underscores between names, rather than spaces.

I was going to ask for option A as well just now - but you already did. Thanks!

@WhiteNoise Sorry to bother but pls :cry:.
We want this


I would also love this. Any updates on this? Is this something that could even be done as a plug-in in the interim?

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I would say two options are needed:

  1. a template for auto image name generation like:
    [hash].[extension] : ![](3307D18160AB7426B67FE200F12D664C.jpg)
    [timestamp].[extension] : ![](2020210523144725.jpg) (this is similar to v0.12.3)
    [relative_path]/[timestamp].[extension] : attachments/2020210523144725.jpg

  2. a prompt or auto focus to rename the file.

I describe here a partial solution to this problem until it is implemented:

If I paste an image or drag-and-drop an image into a note, it’d nice to be asked if you want to name it.

Then if you choose not to give the image a custom name, you could allow users to specify a template to use to name the note, but that seems a bit much and more than needed.

If no custom name is given, you can default the name to something like:


That makes the image easier to find later. (And if it’s in the same folder, then it’s adjacent to the note in the finder.

The hh:mm:ss would help avoid the need to programmatically increment multiple pasted notes or to rely on the finder to differentiate duplicate file names (by appending (1), (2) to the file name).

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Great feature request ! Any news on this ?

Especially the option to add ${fileName} as attachment name.



Same here - very much in favor. I’m collecting all attachments in a dedicated folder in my vault, right now it just turns into a big bag of anonymous images.


The automatic name scheme of YYYY-MM-DD_Pasted-image-N would by itself improve the chaos a lot.


I didn’t see this thread before but I just made a plug-in to solve similar problems, you can take a look and give some suggestions Paste image rename plugin