Today, I’m going to show you how to track your progress, whether it’s books, notes, projects, goals, or anything else you want to track with a progress bar, with (or without) dataview.
Progress Bar
My example will be with my “currently-reading” book, but like I said it can be anythings you want.
1. Create your note.
2. Add to your metadata the progress code here :
<progress max=100 value=0> </progress> 0%
If you want it more dynamic you can use this code to center it, or put it to the left or right :
<p align = "center"> <progress max=100 value=0> </progress> 0% </p>
Note Example:
As you can see I named it Progress_Bar (DON’T use spaces in metadata because the dataview will not recognize it, instead use “_” )
Progress Bar + Dataview :
Now I want my reading list to be organized with the dataview so I can track my progress directly in my “Library” note, which brings us to step 3.
3. For the dataview, it’s really easy. Just add the “Progress_Bar” Metadat to the table:
TABLE without id
Progress_Bar AS "Progress Bar"
My example:
TABLE without id
Progress_Bar AS "Progress Bar",
("![cover|80](" + Cover + ")") as Cover,
file.link AS "Title",
Author AS "Author",
Category AS "Genre"
FROM #FM/📁02/📖
where Status = "Currently-reading"
SORT Progress desc
That’s it. Thanks for reading and I hope this post helped you in some way.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions, I’m a beginner in coding but I’ll do my best.
P.S: This is my first post, go easy on me :).