Problem with text cursor

Hello everyone! I have this bug that my cursor jumps parts of the text. (video below) While I can still get the text I can neither use the up or down key or click on the specific text. I do use custom css but the problem suddenly appeared so I don’t assume it is the problem. But if it is it wold be in this section.

.inline-title {
  font-size: 48px;
  /* text-decoration: underline; */
  border-bottom: 4px solid var(--inline-title-color);
  padding-bottom: 10px;

h2, .markdown-rendered h2, .is-live-preview, h3, .markdown-rendered h3, .is-live-preview, h4, .markdown-rendered h4, .is-live-preview, h5, .markdown-rendered h5, .is-live-preview, h6, .markdown-rendered h6, .is-live-preview {
    margin-block-start: unset;

.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-content > * {
  margin-top: unset !important;
} ~ {
  margin-top: var(--h2-size) !important;
} ~ {
  margin-top: var(--h3-size) !important;
} ~ {
  margin-top: var(--h4-size) !important;
} ~ {
  margin-top: var(--h5-size) !important;
} ~ {
  margin-top: var(--h6-size) !important;
} +, +, +, +, + {
  margin-top: 0 !important;

.el-h1 ~ .el-h2 {
  margin-top: var(--h2-size) !important;

.el-h2 ~ .el-h3 {
  margin-top: var(--h3-size) !important;

.el-h3 ~ .el-h4 {
  margin-top: var(--h4-size) !important;

.el-h4 ~ .el-h5 {
  margin-top: var(--h5-size) !important;

.el-h5 ~ .el-h6 {
  margin-top: var(--h6-size) !important;

.el-h1 + .el-h2, .el-h2 + .el-h3, .el-h3 + .el-h4, .el-h4 + .el-h5, .el-h5 + .el-h6 {
  margin-top: 0 !important;

.el-h2 h2, .el-h3 h3, .el-h4 h4, .el-h5 h5, .el-h6 h6 {
  margin-top: 0 !important;

Video = gif
Only buttons pressed are left mouse, up/left/right/down arrows

I hope someone can help me. if I can help or there is more info needed let me know!
Will post solution if found

windows 10
obsidian update 1.7.5

Vault is not laggy
Error seems similar to error50656 but not…

I haven’t tried the above CSS, but the issue is almost certainly coming from adjusting the vertical margins with all the !importants. Forcing a margin change will cause all sorts of odd issues. e.g. line numbers over-lapping, the cursor and input/typing behaving erratically, etc.

Try adjusting the padding in the editor instead .

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