Problem with SSL verification process

My daily note triggers a templater user script that makes a call to the Quotable API. For some reason, since this morning, it doesn’t get through and I get a

Anyone else has this problem? Any ideas?

What I’m trying to do

Fetch a quote from through a Templater script that always worked until now. Here it is:

async function randomQuote() {  
    const response = await fetch("");  
    const quote = await response.json();  
    return `> [!QUOTE] ${}  \n> ${quote.content}`;  

module.exports = randomQuote;

Things I have tried

Checked that the problem wasn’t with the SSL certificate or with my system clock. It seems that it has do to with the way the SSL certificate is checked from within Obsidian.

It looks like their API is down:

Previous report:

Oh, thank you! I had ruled that out because of a successful test through Postman.

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