Problem with citations set up: did I mess up pdf linking and template settings?

hey peeps,

I just started with obsedian for my ma thesis and am quite new but am quite in awe of all the possibilities obsedian has with all the add-ons
however I have struggeled now a but with setting up the citations add-on, so I can use the proper linking of pdfs and template

What I’m trying to do

I wanna be able to use zotero pdfs (with annotations incorporated from zotero) in obsedian and have managed to install citations and zotero integrations ( and installed in zotero Better BibTeX: ZotFile). Everything worked quite well, imported my pdfs from zotero
Then I wanted to set up the template settings for citations which determine how links will be rendered.

This is how my template settings look like:

title: {{title}}
authors: {{authorString}}
year: {{year}}


{{authorString}} ({{year}})




Also I was wondering why my template settings appear in red and the first letter of the title is missing…

Things I have tried

now I tried to change the citekey or incorporate the Bibtex citaton key formula from zotero (auth + year + shorttitle(3,3)) or the renaming format from zotfile ({%a_}{%y_}{%t}) yet not much changed when I tried to open a new note linked to the pdf stored in obsedian.

I have also looked in the forum (searched for pdf linking, pdf, internal links) but maybe I have not looked for the right terms or my question is too basic.
I am grateful for any tip or rediredt to the right term to search for in the forum or youtube link^^
Also sorry for this probably really basic question!