Private notes within public vault

Things I have tried

What I’m trying to do

Hi folks,
I use two different vaults: One for all the job related content and one for all the private topics in my life. Both contents can be separated easily, because they are not really interconnected, I do not feel the urge to establish a lot of links betweet both vaults.

But for my private vault I’m looking for a solution, how I can separate private thoughts I don’t want to share with anybody, from thoughts, I do might want to share. I’m already talking a lot about my zettelkasten and showing people, what I’m doing with obsidian, but I’m afraid of showing these people all of my inner thoughts.
So my question to the community here is: How do you deal with this question? For me, a second private vault is not a good solution, because that would mean, that it’s not possible to establish links between both vaults…

Thanks in advance for some good hints,
kind regards,

Do you want to keep some notes private

  1. In an online context, e.g. published vault with Obsidian Publish or a different tool;
  2. In an offline context, e.g. showing notes to others in-person on your computer;
  3. Both of these?

My solution for both of these is keeping all notes, by default, in a folder called PRIVATE. My new notes go here automatically.
This folder is not published on Obsidian Publish, and if showing my Vault to someone in person I don’t browse this folder.

This doesn’t remove the problem of browsing, via link, from a public to a private note, or finding private notes via search. But I get around this because

  1. I don’t have anything super sensitive to keep hidden in my Vault, partially because I’m not a very private person;
  2. Anything I do want to keep hidden I will usually know the name of, and just not click into this note if it’s linked in another note or appears in search.

If you need to keep the names of some notes hidden entirely but have them linked in other notes, I’m not sure if there’s a good solution here other than having a separate vault.

Hi Crow,
wow, thanks a lot for your thoughts!! In my case its the offline-context, I’m struggeling with, but as you described, the problem is in both cases the same: How to deal with private notes, which are linked to public notes…?

As you wrote, you also don’t have a solution to that question (“If you need to keep the names of some notes hidden entirely but have them linked in other notes, I’m not sure if there’s a good solution here other than having a separate vault.”), but anyways, it is helpful to know other peoples opinion to deal with it :slight_smile:

Maybe there are more people, who are struggeling with that topic?

A very nice feature for that would be a “Private-Button”, which hides for example all private notes (tagged for example with #private) and hides all private links (links to notes, which are tagged with #private)

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