Primary Theme

How is progress doing @Cecilia_May ? Any update to be expected soon?


Hey @Cecilia_May , is there any update? If the theme is dead, please say so so we can move on.


How do you guys get this theme installed? I cannot find it in the Themes section…

It’s not in the Themes section because it hasn’t been updated since Obsidian overhauled its theme system. You’d need to go to the theme’s Github to download it and install it manually — but it probably won’t work well because it hasn’t been updated since Obsidian overhauled its theme system.


Thank you!

My favorite aspect of this theme are the different colors for italics, bold, & Linked text.

Are there other, more current, themes that similarly have different colors for different text styles? Preferably even a distinct color for text that is a mixture of the three styles.

@mikeknight That was my favourite aspect also. Turns out you can do that with any theme, even the default.

Just add a CSS snippet like this, and change the colour to anything you want:

body {
    --bold-color: #476af8;
    --italic-color: #ff0000;
    --link-color: #ffffcc;
    --link-external-color: #ffffcc;

You can choose your colours on a site like this:, use the “Hex code” value.


For anyone that uses the Minimal Theme but would like to use a color scheme similar to the Primary Theme, know that it is possible to do so using the Style Settings plugin. Here is my current setup, which includes both light and dark themes:

And here is the code. You can install it by using the “Import” option in Style Settings.

  "minimal-style@@bg1@@dark": "#2C2621",
  "minimal-style@@bg2@@dark": "#221E1A",
  "minimal-style@@ui1@@dark": "#3C352A",
  "minimal-style@@ax1@@dark": "#DEB719",
  "minimal-style@@ax3@@dark": "#3E8D6B",
  "minimal-style@@ui2@@dark": "#695847",
  "minimal-style@@ui3@@dark": "#695847",
  "minimal-style@@ax2@@dark": "#F0D560",
  "minimal-style@@base@@dark": "#2C2621",
  "minimal-style@@bg3@@dark": "#564636",
  "minimal-style@@tx1@@dark": "#E6CFB3",
  "minimal-style@@tx2@@dark": "#AB916E",
  "minimal-style@@bold-color@@dark": "#E73729",
  "minimal-style@@bold-weight": 800,
  "minimal-style@@tx3@@dark": "#594D30",
  "minimal-style@@italic-color@@dark": "#48A1C6",
  "minimal-style@@link-unresolved-color@@dark": "#A69C8B",
  "minimal-style@@link-unresolved-decoration-color@@dark": "#A69C8B",
  "minimal-style@@trim-cols": true,
  "minimal-style@@link-external-color@@dark": "#A69C8B",
  "minimal-style@@link-external-color-hover@@dark": "#A69C8B",
  "minimal-style@@base@@light": "#F8F4EE",
  "minimal-style@@bg1@@light": "#F8F4EE",
  "minimal-style@@bg2@@light": "#EEE7DD",
  "minimal-style@@bg3@@light": "#E4DCD0",
  "minimal-style@@ui1@@light": "#E9E3DA",
  "minimal-style@@ui3@@light": "#E9E3DA",
  "minimal-style@@ui2@@light": "#D7CBB9",
  "minimal-style@@ax1@@light": "#D7A111",
  "minimal-style@@ax2@@light": "#EBB421",
  "minimal-style@@ax3@@light": "#72CEA6",
  "minimal-style@@tx1@@light": "#3F2E1C",
  "buttons-styles@@button-text@@light": "#FFFFFF",
  "minimal-style@@italic-color@@light": "#3382A4",
  "minimal-style@@bold-color@@light": "#DF483D",
  "minimal-style@@tx3@@light": "#CFC2AF",
  "minimal-style@@tx2@@light": "#83796D",
  "minimal-style@@tag-color@@light": "#3382A4",
  "minimal-style@@tag-color@@dark": "#48A1C6",
  "minimal-style@@link-unresolved-color@@light": "#C8B69D",
  "minimal-style@@link-unresolved-decoration-color@@light": "#C8B69D",
  "minimal-style@@callouts-style": "callouts-outlined",

Hello, thanks for this. I’ve been missing this colour scheme.

I tried pasting in your code, but unfortunately it didn’t work. I got an error message “Error importing style settings: SyntaxError: Expected double-quoted property name in JSON at position 1936”.

Not sure if that is due to some other setting or plugin I have.

Try removing the last comma, so:

"minimal-style@@callouts-style": "callouts-outlined"

JSON is picky.


Brilliant, thanks!

Good news! Mockup for rebuild done. Translating to code now.


This is the best new in months!! Really excited to see Primary Theme coming back in its full glory! I tried to do my own Bauhaus-inspired thing but it does not come close to your skills

Me too! I noticed the name was different and worried it was some sort of joke or that she was hacked​:laughing::laughing:

lol I am not her, I merely saw the news.
btw you can follow progress here:

1 Like

Thank you! The link on her update didn’t work for me for some reason.

Hey guys! Cecil here, bringing Primary back from the dead.

:carousel_horse: Primary 2.0.0-beta is now available for all new and old supporters on Ko-fi!
CleanShot 2024-04-14 at 21.44.39

Future beta releases (and more) will only be available for monthly supporters. While there are still visual bugs and some parts aren’t themed yet – this beta release is fully working and usable for Obsidian 1.0+ users.

Thank you so so much to all of you guys who continued to show love, support, and interest for my theme despite its inactivity. And thank you to those who made efforts to share snippets, send PRs on the repo, for the community.

You can catch my daily updates on building Primary on my Twitter. I’m also on the Discord channel (siphonomei).

Let me know if you have any questions :pray:

also - thank you @sleepyguy for sharing this :pray:


Hi @sleepyguy @Cecilia_May @CluelessProductivity @Hvarf-heim - I am trying to install the primary theme, however it’s not showing up in the list of themes available for installation. How can Primary be install? Thanks in advance

It’s not in the theme gallery at the moment. The new version is being worked on now.


:carousel_horse::sparkles: Primary 2.4.0-beta ft. Callouts, Kanban Styling, Stacked Tabs and more!


Kanban by mgmeyers Plugin Styling

Stacked Tabs

This beta release is a jump up from the post above (2.0.0-beta) with tons of improvements and changes. You can get it by becoming a monthly supporter on Ko-fi!

The Ko-fi post includes installation instructions as well as the link to download the beta.

Public release is becoming more and more of a reality so hang on tight! So yes, it’s not on the theme store yet, but will be very soon.

Thank you to all my supporters that made this possible :pray:
mm2856, ale, chichi, ciarra., pixel leaves, Linus Lim Wilson Lam, cd, Gabriela Rojas, n4nfinity, Jeremy Gavin, Jack, SkepticMystic, Vorshk, Nuno Campos, emma ВячеславГорюнов, Lilyshep, JoeAn Bishop, FREYA, Leo_ron, nhi, Kosuke Kindaichi, Jamie Daghaim, desperate-effort, Ko-fi Supporter, DesertDwarf, keltan

More updates on my Twitter.