Plugin, which scans the vault and suggests internal links

The Problem:
Often times I find myself adding new notes to my vault, which should be referenced by other notes, that have been created previously. This results in older notes describing things with just plain text, instead of embedding links to new notes.

  • “Light bulbs work by using electricity
  • “” gets created a few weeks later, but the text “electricity” in is not referencing the new note “”

A plugin that scans all notes of the vault and suggests possible link replacements for all text snippets as a list.


That sounds like Unlinked Mentions in the core Backlinks plugin. Give that a shot. It may be what you are thinking about.

2 Likes it’s beta you need obsidian 42 BRAT Plugin to load it. Very happy user!

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On top of @Lonn suggested plugin there, you may also have a look at Graph Analysis plugin (link below, available via Community Plugin).

It will take sometime to familiarise with it, but it can suggest linking based on content, similar 2nd/3rd/so-on degree of linking to another note


That looks wonderful! Is there also some way to scan the whole vault and get a list of suggestions? Otherwise, I would have to go through each note in my vault to check if it suggests a link…

That sounds interesting, but it only seems to work with exact matches. Also, there is no way to scan the whole vault to get a list of unlinked mentions…