Plugin to display a contact in obsidian?

Just wondering if there are any plugins to display a contact in obsidian or to import a vcf file etc.


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Do you mean: apppro123/contacts-obsidian: manage contacts in obsidian (

OR adifyr/obsidian-chat-view: An elegant chat view for Obsidian pages. (

I would be interested in something like this too. I have a separate vault to keep notes about my business contacts in Obsidian and I use tags to look them up and it would be really useful to show contact info from my address book.

I store my contacts with Fastmail which has CardDAV, but a simple solution would be to export all contacts into a single .vcf via MacOS’ Contacts and put that into the vault directory. That way, a plugin could show the appropriate contact when I open a file with a contact’s name.

I looked into creating a .vcf plugin for Obsidian, but it ended up being too much effort to get it to work with backlinks, references, etc.

I ended up creating a script that exports a group from my Contacts book into a folder with markdown files that I symlink into my Obsidian vault. Then, whenever I add or update contact details, I just run the script to sync it.

Here’s what the markdown output looks like:

:bust_in_silhouette: Name

  • :e-mail: Email: [email protected]
  • :phone: Phone: +1 (555) 123-4567
  • :birthday: Birthday: [[20000101]]
  • :ring: Anniversary: [[20100101]]
  • :office: Organization: Example Inc.
  • :memo: Note: Some notes about the contact.
  • :globe_with_meridians: Website:
  • :round_pushpin: Location: 37.7749° N, 122.4194° W
  • :briefcase: Role: Some role
  • :name_badge: Title: Some title
  • :female_sign: Gender: F
  • :speaking_head: Language: English
  • :house: Address: 123 Main St, Suite 100, San Francisco



I just released the Contact Cards plugin: Plugins - Obsidian

I wanted a way to display an individual in my notes as a “business card”, and the other plugins didn’t provide the capabilities I was looking for.