Plugin list request

Has anyone created a table of the complete list of community plugins or any sort of list in a table they would be willing to share?

I am looking for a starter table that I can use to make notes about the plugin I use.

I started with the Share My Plugin community plugin but that brings a lot of info along with emojis. I was hoping to track down a simple list in table format.

Thanks in Advance
-Tim C.

I’ve not seen a list in markdown format, but I reckon the github site where you can get new plugins approved also how a list of which are already approved.

However, I believe my take on such a list would be to have a dedicated folder with one note for each plugin I want to describe.

Mara-Li daily updates a Seatable(sourced from obsidian-releases/community-plugins.json: currently 1880 available plugins).
[… you need to scroll down a little for it to appear]

After registering for a free Seatable account you can copy over Mara-Li’s seatable and customize it to your liking e.g. enabling the “comments” column.

In my version I added a status column and my Notes column is to the far right.
[this particular view only pulls up the plugins I am watching]
Google Photos

You can Export view to Excel from the … menu.

Then using the online TableConvert , convert the Excel table to a Markdown table to use directly in Obsidian.

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Thank You