I have searched high and low to see if I can turn off the “All properties” tab in the right sidebar that appears when I enable the “Properties view” core plugin. I close the tab and use the “File properties” tab every day, I have a bunch of tabs in the right sidebar, and I’d love for this one to not keep reappearing whenever I restart Obsidian.
Use case or problem
I wish to not have a tab for the feature “All properties” that I never use when I turn on the Properties core plugin. Some of us only ever use the file properties (why isn’t that one enabled by default and unflushable? That would make more sense to me?). Listing every single property ever is… not what I’m usually doing when updating a file’s properties. Yes, I can close the tab when I start Obsidian, but whenever I close and reopen, it comes back. It’s like a zombie button, cursing me, staring at me from the void in my otherwise perfectly arranged, functional right sidebar.
Proposed solution
Most plugin creators have some options for buttons that pop up in the right sidebar so you can choose if you want to see it or not. So much of Obsidian is obsessively user-centric in being able to turn off or on what I want, why is this one tab button literally unflushable? It shouldn’t drive me this nuts, I found every other persistent button I didn’t want (I’m looking at you, Bookmarks) cluttering the sidebars, but this… my nemesis, my Moby Dick… it haunts me at night, knowing that when I restart this program the ‘All properties’ button will be back to laugh at my best laid plans.
Current workaround (optional)
My current workaround is that whenever I start Obsidian, I notice the button and die a little inside. I then right click it, sigh, and stare at the space I know it will reconquer. I then go outside and contemplate kicking puppies, but that’s not really me, so then I search for another workaround.
I tried closing the sidebar, and moving the tab into a tab area with other documents. But… just knowing it’s still there, hiding from me, just waiting for an accidental sidebar reveal to show itself… it’s just not the same is it?
Like, if I drag it to a main window as a text tab, it’s not in the sidebar, and maybe I could cobble together a script that runs on launch that then closes that open tab? This seems a complex and messy solve though… so I just continue to contemplate the ineffable vastness of the universe, where I consider that maybe there’s a version of myself in an alternate universe that just doesn’t get annoyed that there’s just one… last… tab button I can’t get rid off…