Now I could update to v1.8.3. I’m happy.
I tried now Media Notes which looks similar to the possibility in Logseq.
But the Player is in a separate tab, not in the same note.
Wondering why in 1.8.3 is not possible to Play YT-Videos in a note.
Player open and give me the Information to Login, or use browser. That’s strange.
In Logseq there is no Problem to add link of a YT-Video and Play in the note.
So I had a wish for this feature, unfortunately I’m not a programmer,
to have an easy way to add a video into a note via link and be able to play the video.
And below the video in the note to create timestamp with a shortcut or a small button.
This is how it looks like in Logseq:
Would be the feature what I miss, all other things I have found a great solution for me in Obsidian.
Thank you very much if someone can create this feature.
Best regards,