PDF notes from Neo Reader not syncing

PDF Notes not syncing from Neo Reader on Onyx Boox / isn’t working

Bug reports




Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a PDF on a device
  2. Add notes and comments via Neo Reader on Onyx Boox
  3. Sync
  4. Notes don’t appear on other Obsidian devices

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]


Expected result

I expect to see the notes on all devices

Actual result

I see the notes only on Boox, they are not syncing to other devices


Onyx Boox

Additional information

Which obsidian sync subscription do you have and how big is the pdf file after the modification?

The cheapest one, the file is about 2MB.

What does the sync log says?

Are you sure the pdf file after modification does not becomes bigger than 5mb?