PDF behaviour in Publish notes in iOS/iPadOS Safari

Steps to reproduce

  • Publish a note.
  • Embed a multi-page PDF or link to a PDF.
  • View the Publish site in Safari on iOS or iPad OS

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]

  • Yes.

Expected result

  • PDF should be scrollable (or page-able, I suppose) so all pages can be read.

Actual result

  • Only the first page of the PDF is displayed.
  • There is no way to scroll or tap to subsequent pages.
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Can you attach here the source of the markdown document and a link to that page in your website?

Does it work on safari on macos?


Thanks for the reply.

Here’s a link to the site. The PDF is at the bottom of the page, once as a link that opens a new page, and once as an embed. Both work in Safari on macOS; neither work in Safari on iOS/iPadOS.

And here’s the markdown for that part of the page from Obsidian:

### Resources
> [!info] Useful Stuff
**YouTube Playlist:**




Is anyone able to confirm what I’m seeing in iOS/iPadOS Safari?.


I’m experiencing the same issue, but for me, it’s connected to the area highlight. Since the area highlight is frequently not on the first page, I can’t see the actual relevant content at all. No workaround for this.

If this limitation stems from the PDF renderer in the iOS browser, could we simply display the highlighted content as if it were an image? Even if it’s not scrollable, it would still show the intended content.

Device: iPhone
PDF: Area highlight made using Preview on Mac
No plugin used in Obsidian

I know it’s been a while, but just to note that the link now gives “not found”.