Password protect / lock folder / Encryption at rest

Rather than insisting that a plain text application add something out of scope, why not use one of the many note taking applications that do offer encryption?

Here’s a list of alternates which are all open source as well (unlike Obsidian; a big benefit if you’re talking about encrypted notes):

However, in your comment you’re not really talking about encrypting the notes, you’re more talking about having a password to just open the app.

So you could use a tool for Windows or Mac that puts a password lock on any application.

Here’s an example for Windows:

I use this plug-in for sensitive notes, it works very well:


Sometjing to note, TiddlyWiki 5 uses the Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (SJCL) to allow encryption of the entire .html or individual pages (tiddlers) using AES 128 (128 default, but can be and planned to be made AES 256) using a bit of javascript.

Is this something that can be done in Obsidian?

The plugin allowing for encryption and decryption unfortunately does not use the live preview of the formattted text last I tried it.

One key aspect nobody has mentioned so far but is perhaps the most important factor in this, is that using Cryptomator or Veracrypt to encrypt vaults is a futile endeavor because the full, plain text content of every note is still stored in the indexed .txt files in Appdata->Roaming->Obsidian.

So even if you encrypt the vault, once you de-crypt it and open it with Obsidian, all those plain text, human readable contents are stored in Appdata, even if you then un-mount the encrypted veracrypt/cryptomator container.

So this is not a viable solution to the most popular pain points articulated in the comments:

I want to have my notes on my job’s laptop without anybody being able to look at them.

I want to use this for creative writing and journaling, and I don’t want just anyone to open or see my files or the program and be able to read confidential material. So far this is my largest hurdle to adoption.

Perhaps I didn’t mention it in this thread, but I did in another thread:
Yes, you should disable file recovery plugin (that’s the one the keeps the copies of your notes for recovery purposes).

There is still some metadata that is stored in obsidian to make it work fast (note names, links). If you want to protect that too, you need to also put in the veracrypt vault the obsidian “roaming” directory.

Thank you for chiming in.

I tried via multiple ways to move the appdata->roaming->obsidian folder into an encrypted container in both VeraCrypt and Cryptomator, but Obsidian simply remakes it in Appdata.

What worked is removing access privileges to the “IndexedDB” folder (Properties->Security->Advanced->Disable inheritance), that way Obsidian can’t create the .log file there which contains the data you mentioned. I checked all other folders and files, and that one .log file seems to be the only one that stores data from the vault.

I don’t think that’s gonna make obsidian work properly. It’s better if you move the roaming directory in the veracrypt vault and leave a link/junction to the new location in the old place.

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Thanks for that useful info. I’m also interested in this topic.

So, if I was to set up a symbolic link to roaming directory, pointing at veracrypt drive, that would handle issue with index files. Is it also possible to also to do this for the file recovery plugin?

I’m using windows here.