Pandoc plugin not working when exporting md files to word.docx

Anyone facing the problem of exporting file to word.docx using either Pandoc or it enhanced version plugin can refer to the solution below:

  1. Open the setting panel of Pandoc Plugin, you might see a line of warning in red “Pandoc is not installed or accessible on your PATH. This plugin’s functionality will be limited.”
  2. Input “which pandoc” in the terminal and got the result “Pandoc not found”
  3. Download and install latest Pandoc installer from: Pandoc - Installing pandoc
  4. Relaunch Obsidian, and you’ll find the red warning disappear in the setting panel of Pandoc plugin. Meanwhile, if you input “which pandoc” again in the terminal, you’ll get a path “/usr/local/bin/pandoc”

Try exporting an md file to word.docx again in Obsidian. Finger crossed!

BTW, I’m using Obsidian on a MacBook Air (M2) with the operating system 14.2.1. Hope this solution can help in some way.