Output search results to new note

I have many years of a daily diary with tags such as #nutrition #great-idea #travel etc.

When I search years of text for just #nutrition, the search results are very great but not useful if I can’t export the results to a new note or copy them to the clipboard for pasting into MS Word or Scrivener.

Would LOVE to have the ability to do this.

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With Templater and Dataview this can be done. See:

Thank you @gino_m , I’m tech savvy but new to Obsidian. Working through your code and the Templar newbie post. I’ll reply if I have further questions.

Thanks @gino_m . I’m working through the Templater newbie post you gave and will reply with any questions or feedback.

OMG @gino_m it works perfectly. Thank you so much.

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If I’m not mistaken you could also bookmark a search which would allow it to be fresh and updated whenever you want to check this…

But then that way we won’t be able to copy results to the clipboard.

Also, the script referred to above is using DVJs without freezing the results into static output, meaning it’s dynamic.
One can close and re-open the note or possibly even change to source mode and back to live preview again to trigger the DVJs query dynamically printed into the file.

I think I misread the initial request… :upside_down_face:

No worries.