Outliner Relationship Lines cut into list points

Things I have tried

What I’m trying to do

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been trying to get outliner to draw its relationship lines correctly but don’t seem to be able to. The lines keep cutting the bullet points or numbers as shown in the image. Does anyone have a solution for this?

might be sliding panes, that might muck up something like that. those lines in the outliner plugin are rather iffy, and i don’t use them because of the viewing errors they cause

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it’s a known bug. see links below

dev is working on it (but perhaps will take some time). in the meantime, i know this may not be ideal, you can use combination of Outliner plugin with Indentation Guides (IG) plugin by mgmeyers (link below). Why use in combination? IG gives u the lines but not the Outliner’s moving bullets (with child sub bullets) and bullet selection with Ctr+A. but to each, our own prefs

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So…I’m not sure exactly what’s causing the issue. But removing the Embedded Note Titles Plugin fixed the issue. I tested this thrice and confirmed this.

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