Outline view focusing on a wrong line in reading view if the note has a footnote

Steps to reproduce

  1. In the sandbox vault, create a new note with the following content:
Hello, world [^1].

[^1]: This is a footnote.

# This is the line that I want to focus on. 

  1. Switch to reading view.
  2. Open the outline view, and the click “This is the line that I want to focus on.”

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Expected result

The line with the heading should be highlighted.

Actual result

The footnote is highlighted.

Screen Recording 2025-02-11 at 19.18.38


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Additional information

I first encountered a similar issue when I was developing a plugin, and I posted a question in the developers category.
I believe this bug share the same root cause as the problem that I described in the original thread:

If we add some line after the heading, then it works as expected, and this phenomenon was also observed in the linked thread.

thanks. I can reproduce this only if the heading is the last line of the note.