Use case or problem
Navigation with current mouse controls is not nice.
If I want to pan and I have another window selected, I can’t press space and pan, cause I will be pressing space in the selected window even if I hover the mouse over Obsidian.
First I need to select the window, then press space and left click to pan.
I know this can be done with wheel click, but I would love to be able to pan with one hand using the left click only.
If I want to only navigate around quickly (pan and zoom in/out) I have to combine pressing and releasing space+click with scroll wheel which is unconvenient for me. Or alternatively use the wheel click, which is very uncomfortable (I don’t know about yours but my mouse wheel is quite hard to press)
Current behavior for left click+drag is to select multiple, which if you do it without selecting anything, it does nothing, so it looks useless to me.
Current behavior for control+left click on the cards is the same than left click only, which sounds against the norm and useless to have control+left click without a feature widely used for selecting multiple.
Current behavior for shift+left click on the cards is to select multiple cards. I thought control+left click was the standard way to select multiple, and shift+left click to select multiple contiguously.
Proposed solution
Add an option to select left click+drag behavior to be pan only, and control+left click+drag from outside a card to select multiple or select multiple+open menu as currently is. As far as I know, control+click+drag is mostly used to select multiple, not left click only.
Add a toggle to change control+left click on cards and shift+left click on cards to be select multiple and select multiple contiguously as it is the standard in most places.
Current workaround (optional)
Using both hands to press space + drag, or wheel click.
Using shift+click on the cards to select multiple
left click + drag outside cards
Current behavior: Does nothing
Desired behavior: Pan
control+left cligk+drag outside cards
Current behavior: select multiple+open menu (or whatever selected option from settings)
Desired behavior: Nothing to change here, current behavior is fine.
control+left click cards
Current behavior: Same as left click on cards
Desired Behavior: Select multiple cards
Shift+left click
Current behavior: Seelct multiple cards
Desired behavior: Select multiple cards contiguously
I’m most worried about the left click+pan feature, the other ones are something I noticed didn’t behave as I’ve seen in many other places and decided to mention them.
Using the wheel click to pan is hard and cumbersome and using space+click is annoying and not so friendly when using multiple windows, so that’s the main one I would like to see done.