Imagine you have a page many-levels deep. To reduce clutter, you keep the levels folded. On the page, some ideas are more important than others – let’s call the most important ones highest-leverage ideas.
I’d find it useful to be able to quickly see only the highest-leverage ideas on the page. Finding them individually by unfolding levels is time-consuming.
As a workaround, you could create a section on the page where you copy the highest-leverage ideas to find them more easily, but that would mean creating redundancy (I said copy, not move, because the ideas may be embedded in meaningful structures).
There could be an option to star individual (paragraph) blocks. This would open up two options:
option to unfold and reveal only starred blocks on the page
option to filter only starred blocks on the page (everything else would be hidden, similarly to how the Outliner plugin by Viacheslav Slinko works)
That works functionally, but in terms of experience, I find it unusable. I don’t like how the query result is displayed, and I don’t like seeing the tags in the text.
My ideal solution looks like this:
The symbol for starred blocks appears on the left side of the blocks – similarly to how line numbers appear on the left side of the screen when the “Show line numbers” option is activated.
The stars on the left side of the screen can be hidden.
Clicking on a star next to a folded section unfolds the section revealing only the starred blocks within it (sub-sections that don’t contain starred blocks remain folded).