Option for tabular numbers

Use case or problem

I recently read about the “tabular numbers” option in fonts and I would like this as an option in the default theme. In a nutshell, it enables monospace numerals for non-monospace fonts to help vertically align numbers.

I am not sure if all fonts support this. It is supported, see workaround.
My understanding is, this CSS property would be needed to enable it:
font-feature-settings: "tnum"

Proposed solution

Add an option to enable tabular numbers under Appearance > Font

Current workaround (optional)

  • create vault/.obsidian/snippets/tabular-numbers.css with
* {
  font-feature-settings: "tnum"
  • enable custom CSS in settings Appearance > CSS Snippets

Hi @Syphdias ,

Thanks so much for bringing this up, and for posting the CSS for it.

I wasn’t aware of the tabular numbers font option, but I work with lists of dates and numbers all the time, and having them line up with this option is a huge improvement in readability.

Thanks again!



Have a similar issue.
Please Obsidian Team, fix this, my brain can’t deal with this kind of stuff and much more if I personally can’t change it. Thanks.:slightly_smiling_face::heart:

It may seem similar but it’s unrelated. You’ll need to post your own feature request (or upvote if an existing one matches). Good luck!

The Minimal Theme offers such display option via the Style Settings plugin.