Opening an embedded external file (e.g. .docx) with Control+Click also opens an empty editor pane

We strongly recommend you to search the forum with possible keywords before submitting a new bug report. Please also try your repro steps with third-party plugins and custom CSS disabled and see if it’s still reproducible. If it’s an issue with third-party plugins or themes, try contacting the author for help. Once you’ve done the above, delete this line.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a noteA
  2. link to a non-note, e.g. [[UM_Bioinformatics.docx]] in NoteA. UM_Bioinformatics.docx is in a subfolder of the vault, specific location does not matter.
  3. Ctrl-Click the link to launch the file.

Expected result

The file, in this case a .docx-file is opened in MS Word. Nothing else happens, no empty pane is opened.

Actual result

An empty pane is created. The file is opened in MS Word.
This pane is identical to what you get when you

  1. Split vertically/horizontally and keep focus in any one pane
  2. delete the file with “Delete current file” in the command palette.


  • Operating system:
    Microsoft Windows 11 Home, Version: 10.0.22000 Build 22000
  • Debug info:
    nothing relevant

Additional information

  • Tested with comm. plugins off.
  • reproducible in sandbox vault, main vault, personal sandbox (aka blank vault with keyconfig already setup)
  • I am aware that simply clicking the file also launches it, however I still consider this aberrant behaviour. No other app functions like this, and it is mildly annoying if you’re used to ctrl-clicking links.
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