I want to open a vault using its path. Assume it is located in /mnt/usb/notes (notes contains the .obsidian folder)
It this possible using the URI syntax?
I’ve read Obsidian URI - Obsidian Help and various threads, yet all of them only explain how to open a vault by its name or id.
This does not work if the location of the vault is not always accessible, e.g. usb drive or folder on the network. In this case, obsidian ‘forgets’ the vault location on startup and hence the vault cannot be opend using the id or the name when the location is available again.
fyi: obsidian://open?vault=/mnt/usb/notes or obsidian://open?file=/mnt/usb/notes doesn’t work (yes I’ve tried it with propper uri encoding)
Unfortunately, this project cannot open Obsidian vaults in arbitrary locations. The reason seems to be that Obsidian keeps track of existing vaults in .config/obsidian/obsidian.json, and only vaults that exist in this file can be opened via URI. (See "obs ." to open the current directory · Issue #23 · Yakitrak/obsidian-cli · GitHub)
The problem is that Obsidian checks at every startup whether the locations of the vaults in .config/obsidian/obsidian.json still exist. But if a vault lives on a USB drive or remote location, then it might not be accessible every time Obsidian is started and gets removed. Hence, it is not registered in the obsidian.json anymore.
The question is whether this behavior can be modified.