Open Today's Note from anywhere on macOS with Keyboard Maestro or Alfred

I’m curious about what the final URL looked like!

@ryanjamurphy It was obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=Documents&daily=true.

It’s funny, the name of my folder in icloud is Obsidian, but in Obsidian my vault is called Documents. Not sure why, but that explains why the other URIs didn’t work.

Interesting. On mobile, the workflow to create a vault is a little counterintuitive. You must have created a vault in Documents on your desktop, then started your Obsidian vault on mobile, then hooked up sync. That’s my guess anyway!

Glad it works!

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My current setup is that I have a Shortcut which either creates or opens the daily note. On Mac I created a shortcut reference and attached a hotkey through Raycast to it.

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I have a workflow like this:

Using the URL obtained from Advanced Obsidian URI plugin.