Open note on a new tab (Calendar Plugin)

After the introduction of the new hotkeys, I am unable to figure out how to open a new note in another tab when using the Calendar plugin. Before, I used to hit cmd + click on the day and it would open a “new tab” (I was using Sliding Panes), now whenever I do cmd + click I get a new pane. Is there a way to use a shortcut with the calendar plugin to open a new tab rather than a panel?

Things I have tried

  1. Open the link with cmd + click when in a note (It opens the note in a new tab - desired behaviour)
  2. Open the link with cmd + click when creating a new note via calendar plugin (It opens the note in a new pane)

I would create a note with cmd + click when clicking on the “Create” button

What I’m trying to do

  1. Use the calendar plugin to create daily notes and, have it open a new tab, rather than a new pane.
  2. Is it a hotkey issue or a plugin incompatibility issue?

Thank you!

1 Like

I’m running through the same problem here - I’ve spent like the whole night trying to figure out something - But nothing seems to be working as the wanted behavior

  • Ctrl + Left Click to open in a new tab ( not in a new pane ) or new group of tabs

  • Besides ( Ctrl + Left Click ) Works perfectly Fine from both the graph and the note itself

  • It does the wanted behavior
    Except for Calendar
    • And searching through Obsidian =>
  • The Calendar Plugin doesn’t have too much tweaks to do about the hotkeys

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