Open graph view in new window

Use case or problem

I run Obsidian on a fairly compact 14" laptop screen. I usually open the graph view in a new fullscreen window to maximize the viewport space. The process is a bit fiddly right now: middle-click the graph view button to open in a new pane, click the three-dots menu, click “Move to new window”, and maximize it.

The most optimal way currently seems to be to hotkey “Open current pane in new window”, then Ctrl-G for graph view, and finally Win-↑ to maximize the window, but it’s still not great.

Proposed solution

Please add a command to open the graph view in a new (maximized) window.
Alternatively, add a setting to always open the graph view in a new window.


ah! I have the same question… There is a way to open graph view in new window?

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