One-way Sync with Obsidian Sync?

Question about Obsidian Sync…

The very long 30-90 second startup times in my 3000+ note vault using the iOS mobile app + iCloud sync are wearing me out. I know there’s nothing Obsidian can do about this, and it’s just an annoying Apple problem.

So I’m considering switching to the paid / native Obsidian Sync, but specifically am concerned about 1 thing. I searched a bit and read Obsidian Sync but this q remains unanswered:

Is there any way to configure Sync to only go in 1 direction?

No offense but I don’t trust the relatively-new 2-way Sync to not destroy data (yet). I’m fine with a one-way (Desktop → Mobile) sync just so I can have all my data with me on my phone.

If this feature does not exist, please consider it as a FR (and it would be nice if the price was less than the 2-way variant).

Thank you


Just to back up my statement above about trusting Sync not to lose data, here are a few recent threads from a quick search.

it must be frustrating not to have anyone come here to give respect to this thread…ahem…

have you thought of using git?
…although the caveat is for new users that they tend to run into changed file collisions (merge conflicts)

the drill is: finish work on one platform: add + commit + push to remote then pull changes on another platform, work away, add + commit + push again when you think you’ll be done for the day on that platform

there are dedicated threads for iOS: sync with A-Shell, Working Copy (easiest)

any issues you run into, there’s gpt help and over time you’ll never want to use anything else

on pc you can use github desktop to have a gui

Any particular links you recommend for git + iOS? Sounds like trading 1 can of worms for another. I do own working copy app already but obviously prefer to use the native Obsidian app…

with working copy you are gold then, no need to add commands to a terminal then

you can search the forum for either