On Mac, screenshot and paste doesn't work to insert the image

In the Windows environment, screenshot and paste would automatically insert the image.
I recently purchased a MacBook Air M3 and was using obsidian like I used to.

  1. In the screenshot settings, I set it to save to ‘clipboard’.
  2. after setting 1, when I do “command + v” anywhere else, the screenshot is immediately pasted.
  3. the problem is that in obsidian, when I paste it, it doesn’t react at all.

I’m not sure if this is a mac thing or if my macbook is just weird.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

I’m attaching my editor settings just in case.

My Mac mini (late 2012) has no problems doing a screenshot, and paste afterwards. So it might your macbook acting up, or possible some plugins of yours doing something strange.

Proof to the pudding:

The first questionUrl is actual text, the second is from the screendump (after doing Cmd Shift 4 followed by Cmd V)

I think I’ve found the source of the problem.

When I used to work on Windows (old laptop, computer environment all Windows), I used to compress and decompress the storage when moving storage between the old laptop and computer.
On Windows, I never had any problems pasting photos, even when compressing and decompressing.

On my new MacBook, I seem to be having problems with unzipping the storage on the Mac after compressing it on Windows.
Just to be sure, I created a new repository on Mac and pasted the photos and it worked fine.

In conclusion, it seems to be a problem when decompressing on Mac.
I’ve found the cause, but not the solution.