On iOS share to obsidian and fetch website title

Use case or problem

I personally read blogs with my phone. A very frequent need is share website to obsidian and save it.

The current version allows me choose to save in the daily note (which is very handy) or any other note.

In the same time, is it possible to fetch the website title automatically?

(it could be better if we can have a template, such as adding a customizable tag, #fromiPhone for example)

Current workaround (optional)

There is a third party plugin called Auto Link Title. Each time a new url link is inserted (either share from other app, or pasted), it fetch and save the title. But it works only for English, and the latest update is one year ago.

I use the Readitlater plugin for Obsidian, works great on my Iphone. It fetches the content. Then it is synched to my desktop.

Thanks a lot! This is exactly what I want. It works for Chinese and highly customizable!

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It is an amazing plugin.

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