On an empty line, CMD-LEFT shortcut acts wrong

Steps to reproduce

In any note with text and line breaks, go to a blank line and press CMD-LEFT ARROW. The cursor will snap to the top of the page.

Expected result

The CMD-LEFT and CMD-RIGHT shortcuts are meant to jump to the head and tail of the line of text (this works). When the cursor is on an empty line and CMD-LEFT is pressed, nothing should happen because it is already at the head of the empty line.

Actual result

When CMD-LEFT is pressed on an empty line, it snaps to the top of the page.


  • Operating system: MacOS 12.2.1
  • Debug info:
    Obsidian version: v0.14.6
    Installer version: v0.13.23
    Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 21.3.0: Wed Jan 5 21:37:58 PST 2022; root:xnu-8019.80.24~20/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 21.3.0
    Login status: logged in
    Catalyst license: vip
    Insider build toggle: off
    Live preview: on
    Legacy editor: off
    Base theme: dark
    Community theme: LYT Mode
    Snippets enabled: 1
    Safe mode: off
    Plugins installed: 11
    Plugins enabled: 6
    1: Tag Wrangler
    2: Dataview
    3: Timelines
    4: Fountain
    5: Excalidraw
    6: Diagrams

Custom theme: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the help vault or disable community theme and snippets.
Community plugins: for bugs, please first try updating all your plugins to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the help vault or disable community plugins.

Additional information

have you tried downloading and reinstalling obsidian?

Just tried it and pinpoint that it’s only happening In Live Preview mode.

Even if I switch to Source editing, this still occurs.

Disabling Live Preview in the Settings appears to resolve the issue and the editor works as expected. So it appears to be a bug with Live Preview.

I’m not able to reproduce this, is it still an issue? If so, can you provide a test file and cursor location so I can try again?

This stopped at some point, yes.