131 - Design of Perfect Zettelkasten App - what would be the features of my ideal zettelkasten application? One way to approach this question is to think about what software features facilitate knowledge management and knowledge development.
- What information can you include in the storage process that will make note retrieval easier?
- What information can you include in the storage process that will facilitate knowledge development?
- How can you sort your notes to make information retrieval easier?
- How can you sort your notes to facilitate knowledge development?
- What can you do to the search or selection process to make sure you are retrieving all the relevant information?
- How can information summarizing be integrated and useful in a zettelkasten system?
- What does curation look like in a zettelkasten system?
The primary question around storing information in a zettelkasten app is what structures and meta data will best facilitate retrieval of the information at a later date, which involves the sorting and selecting processes. The other important question is what meta data or formatting structure can you include to help facilitate knowledge development?
There are five components to the storage format: note title, note headers, note body, note tags, and note links. Note titles allow you to link to the note either through the program itself (file explorer, note search) or in the body of the note (e.g. hyperlinks). You can also include secondary functions through titles such as having a Time ID that gives you context for a specific period of your life or unique names that give you a quick idea of what the notes are about.
Other Features
Placeholder Text
Related - Layers of Structure
Ideal Note Format