Obsidian with Github on Mac/iPhone/Ipad (no iCloud)

Hey everyone,
I saw that some people had problem with setting up the Obsidian with iCloud because the app freezes a lot on iPhone/iPad when initially loading.

This is my recommendation how to avoid using iCloud and have everything still in sync.

  1. Set up Obsidian with Git extension and make sure you can pull and push to Github. Make sure that the Obsidian folder is outside of iCloud on your Mac.
  2. Compress your vault folder and Airdrop it to your iPhone/iPad.
  3. Install Obsidian and create new vault temporarily WITHOUT iCloud option. We need this step for Obsidian to create its folder in On My iPhone directory instead of iCloud.
  4. Move the compressed vault to Files/On My iPhone/Obsidian and decompress it.
  5. Delete the temporary vault.
  6. Open Obsidian and choose the correct vault.

All done, you will be able to use Obsidian without any slow downs with Github integration and without iCloud. Enjoy!

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