Obsidian URI desktop shortcut to create new datetime-stamped note in your Inbox

Inspired by Shortcut Obsidian's file in desktop, here is a way to have a desktop shortcut that creates a new date- and time-stamped note in your vault’s “Inbox”. This is for Linux users, but maybe it also works on MacOS (someone to try?).

Note: You must have xdg-open on your system for this to work. My Linux Mint has it. (Hint: Try xdg-open --help in a terminal.)

First, create a new .desktop file on your desktop, using a text editor. Let’s call it Quicknote.desktop.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=New Inbox Note
Exec=sh -c 'xdg-open "obsidian://new?vault=Schreiben&file=+Inbox/$(date +"%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H.%%M").md"'
Comment=Creates a new date/time-stamped inbox note in Obsidian

My vault is called Schreiben, and my Inbox folder +Inbox. Replace these with yours in the Exec= line in above file. I use a date/time format of YYYY-MM-DD HH.MM since a colon : isn’t allowed on Mac and Windows machines.

You should now get a new icon (or “starter”) on your desktop that looks like this:


Double-clicking it should open Obsidian and create a new file in your vault’s “Inbox” folder:

Easy and useful.

Note: If this fails, it might be that the obsidian: protocol isn’t registered correctly in your system. This sometimes happens when using the .AppImage version of Obsidian, and not creating a correct .desktop file for it. See Meta Post - Linux tips, tricks & solutions to common problems - #8 by Moonbase59

Notes for the curious

  • Change the name by editing the Name= line, or by simply right-clicking the icon on the desktop and renaming it.
  • If needed, you could also use bash instead of sh in the Exec= line.
  • You cannot leave out the shell chain in the Exec= line, because otherwise the date command wouldn’t be executed.
  • The date command needs double percent signs %% (not like in the terminal) because the percent sign has a special meaning in desktop files and must be escaped.
  • The date command needs the apostrophes " around the format string because it can contain blanks.
  • Use man date or date --help to find out more about the available format options.

Have fun making your own Obsidian desktop starters!


Since this desktop file would not work on Windows, I created a small [quickly hacked] node.js script. Basically you’d need to create 2 files, 3 if you want to assign a system wide keyboard shortcut (in which case you create a link to the *.vbs file and assign the desire shortcut).

Steps »

  • note that both files require you to find your paths, your vault name, the folder withing the vault (currently set to +Inbox), etc.
  • create file note.js (name as you wish, contents below)
  • create file new-note.vbs (name as you wish, contents below)
  • run new-note.vbs which will run ‘node note.js’ in the background w/out opening the Node output window
  • [optional extra] create a Shortcut to the *.vbs file and assign a keyboard shortcut to it to have system wide hotkey that opens Obsidian ready to go w/ a timestamped note

Basically the node script creates a filesystem friendly timestamp, and launches Obsidian with the new file switch giving the file the datestamped name (using the syntax of the Exec command from this original post :pray:).

You can easily change or add to the name which is focused when Obsidian opens. Am trying to emulate some classic Tomboy Notes type functionality…


let now = new Date();
let year = now.getFullYear();
let month = String(now.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
let day = String(now.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
let hour = String(now.getHours()).padStart(2, '0');
let minute = String(now.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0');
let second = String(now.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0');
let datestamp = `${year}-${month}-${day}_${hour}.${minute}.${second}`;
// console.log(datestamp);
let cmdPath = 'start C:\\Users\\[your-username]\\\AppData\\Local\\Obsidian\\Obsidian.exe';
let command = `${cmdPath} "obsidian://new?vault=obsidian-vault&file=+Inbox/${datestamp}.md"`;
// console.log(command);

var exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec(`START /B C:\\Users\\[your-username]\\AppData\\Local\\Obsidian\\Obsidian.exe "obsidian://new?vault=obsidian-vault&file=+Inbox/${datestamp}.md"`, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
   if (err) {
       throw err;


Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.CurrentDirectory = "C:\Users\[your-username]\\bin\"
objShell.Run("""node"" note.js"), 0
Set objShell = Nothing