Obsidian to migrate to from Treesheets, for specific task demands?

Hi, potential Obsidian user here.

I have been researching tools for an upcoming task, and the best contenders are Obsidian and the Leo-editor. The situation:

A Treesheets file with a huge number of nested fields needs more capabilies than Treesheets can offer. Now a tool is needed that can:

  • Import in one of these ways (better ideas welcome!):
    • from Treeshets format
    • from one of its export formats
      (xml, html, there are others that appear not useable here)
    • from a file tree with plain text notes
      where the file names are numbered (to keep the Treesheets order) plus the first x characters of the text (to identify them in an outline (see below)), and the folder names ditto, taking text from the first note.
      I could create this file tree from exported xml with a script.
  • Have an outline to reorder sequence and level of the text file (or note, I gather it is called in Obsidian?). Once imported, the numbering of the file/folder names can go.
  • Have arbitrary notes collapsed or open, at various depth levels, at the same time, to edit.
  • Create collections of links to notes under a separate outline.
    They should appear there in the same way as in the file tree outline, similar to hard links.
  • If possible (not mandatory), allow separate windows for folder tree outline and linked note outline, to work on multiple monitors.
    The top level in TS holds >100 columns that would be the top level in the outline; scrolling up and down all the time to jump between collection and original would soon lose its fun.

edit: The TS file has about 1.1k fields, about half of them filled. Would that slow down Obsidian too much?

Can Obsidian do this? With plug-ins maybe?

Thank you for helpful thoughts!

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