Obsidian_to_Anki v3.4.0 - a feature-rich plugin that allows you to add notes from Obsidian to Anki

Hi, is this going to become a Obsidian plugin or will it stay a script that has to be run outside of Obsidian?

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@juen Hopefully will become an Obsidian plugin soon! I do want to fix the issues on the python script first before porting it to Typescript (which I’ll have to learn) - want to port over as few bugs as possible!

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Also, I’ve come to a decision about the START END syntax. While I initially wanted to remove it entirely, I realise that it’s necessary for people who want to use custom note types but don’t want to mess around with regex. So, it would be a disservice to remove it.

What I will remove, however, is the “substitutions” feature. It’s caused lots of confusion, clogs up the config file, causes bugs when renaming fields in Anki, and can easily be replicated by just renaming the field/note type in Anki.

In other news, should hopefully have more time to work on the script now!

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Glad you are back on it :smiley:

Amazing, good to hear! :slight_smile:

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v2.10 just released! I call it the Winter Cleaning update - you’ll see what I mean when you look at the release notes.

(Hint - the number of GitHub issues relating to the script has dropped drastically…)

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It’s finally here. Version 3 marks the release of the Obsidian_to_Anki as an Obsidian plugin!

Some new features:
  • Full link support
  • Obsidian image embed and audio embed support
  • Inbuilt plugin settings - no longer have to edit config file directly!
  • Anki icon for running the script on the vault
  • Improved Add File Link

I’ll also take the opportunity to point out that GitHub recently implemented a Discussions feature - might be a good place to discuss feature ideas, or show off how you use the script! See this link.

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!!! :partying_face:

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I’ve released v3.1.0 of Obsidian_to_Anki - https://github.com/Pseudonium/Obsidian_to_Anki/releases. It adds support for adding the ‘context’ of a note into a field.

(I’ve also added a ko-fi link to the end of the README, in case anyone’s interested)

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Released v3.2.0 of Obsidian_to_Anki, adds two new features - the ability to schedule the script, and the ability to convert highlights to clozes for CurlyCloze to process!


  • Fixed bug with context algorithm
  • Default tag is now read properly from settings
  • Plugin now auto-converts Obsidian highlights to HTML highlights
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Released v3.3.0 - This update adds support for code syntax highlighting! Also, the regex switch has been removed - regex is now always enabled (you still have to input a custom regex), and you can now have both START END notes and regex notes scanned simultaneously.


Released v3.4.0 - This release adds support for reading obsidian tags as Anki tags, as well as setting a default deck and tag for a folder in your vault.

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Pseudonium! First of all great work on making this marvelous plugin,
I just have a question;
How do I add flashcards of many decks in one obsidian note and sync them to their respective Anki decks by the TARGET DECK feature; as I tried it but it always synced all the cards into the one TARGET DECK that I declared in the top but seemed to ignore the TARGET DECK I declared afterwards in the same Obsidian note?

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Decks can only be specified per-file, rather than per-note, at the moment. Perhaps consider splitting the cards into separate files?

I think that’s only for regex. For ANKI blocks, the decks are assigned per note/card right?

Alright, I got my answer. Maybe I should make separate notes for separate Chapters. Thanks for replying. Would love to have this feature in the future.

Yes the notes are assigned per card. Pseudonium just told me.

Hi! Thank you for your plugin! Do you plan to use Obsidian public API? For beginners, install a third-party plugin it’s not that easy.

I’m a bit confused by what you mean here? You can install it from the community plugins list in Obsidian, no python script required.