Originally conceived with the aim to mimic Notion as closely as possible (including the somewhat tricky in-document header and fancy checkboxes).
I later expanded it with greater customization abilities via hue shifting and blocks with the same custom colours as Notion itself.
Basically if there is a way to configure the color scheme, I pick gruvbox, if there isn’t a gruvbox theme for it, I MAKE IT. @insanum beat me to it, and I wont use anything else
This Theme is perfect for people using Obsidian only in Edit-Mode as a note taking App without any publishing or graphics. In combination Obsidian and Red Graphite made my software year 2020.
Well, after going through many of the amazing themes made available by the community, I ended up using this one. I love the minimalist, opinionated design of iA Writer and its innovative duospaced typeface — and this is a great adaptation.
Comment: Easily customized in seconds with its two accompanying plugins, “Minimal” is not only a beautiful theme but a best-in-class exemplar for Obsidian theme architecture. It’s also designed to play well with the popular “Sliding Panes (Andy Mode)” plugin.
Originally, inspired by some great themes, I created the first version of this theme. Thus, I called it Blue Topaz. I use different colour schemes in Light and dark modes to suit different moods or environments. If you like a blue theme, try it now!
Color-only snippet that can work with any theme, though likely to work best with kepano’s Minimal. Dracula Pro colors have been applied carefully to differentiate elements consistently, e.g. active files are green in title, file explorer, graph view, and Calendar.
Been previewing a bunch of themes that have popped up in the recent months to change things up and this one has quickly become a new favourite. Looks great in both editor and preview modes. It also has good amount of contrast even when I have a blue light filter on in the evenings.